Your Guide to Funeral Planning | 01.29.2023

What Is Pre-Planning At A Funeral Home?

What Is Pre-Planning At A Funeral Home?

Reviewed By: William Prout

Cross Checked By: Elizabeth Siegel

4 min read

Pre Planning At A Funeral Home And What Is It Anyway?

Funeral pre-planning is the process of making plans in advance about your funeral procedures and preferences. It involves making decisions about whether you want to have a burial or a cremation, what kind of casket you will be needing, how much of a budget you are willing to set aside for the funeral and other such fine details. Needless to say, this can be a daunting process. 

But pre-planning at a funeral home can make the journey a lot easier and more hassle-free for anyone who is pre-planning funeral arrangements. It involves enlisting the services of a funeral home to help you make your funeral arrangements in advance. A funeral director may be assigned by the funeral home to guide you on what needs to be done and how you can go about doing it. 

Pre Planning At A Funeral Home And A Closer Look At What It Entails

If you are considering pre-planning your funeral arrangements, or if you are helping your parents or any other family member or friend make advance decisions for their burial or cremation, it helps to do this at a funeral home. Here is an overview of the finer details involved in pre-planning at a funeral home.

Appointing a funeral director
When you choose a funeral home you trust, you can work with a funeral director affiliated with the place to get more clarity on pre-planning funeral arrangements. The funeral director can help plan every aspect of your funeral in advance. You can go into as much or as little detail as you would like, but it is generally advisable to plan your funeral completely sooner than later. A funeral director can help plan a funeral ceremony if you have a burial directly or if you have a burial for the ashes following a cremation. On the other hand, if you choose a direct cremation instead, it may be better to coordinate with a crematory instead. 
Making cemetery arrangements
Pre-planning at a funeral home also makes it easier for you to make cemetery-related arrangements. Depending on the services you enlist, you can get assistance in finding a cemetery, buying one or more plots (if you are pre-planning a funeral for yourself and your spouse) and even direct cemetery visits to help you make a more informed decision. 
If you already have a burial plot purchased, or if you own private land in which you wish to be buried, the funeral home can help you find out the laws and regulations involved. This will help you make plans that will not be thrown off due to non-compliance at a later point in time.
Planning the memorial service
When you opt for pre-planning at a funeral home, you also get the benefit of making arrangements for your memorial service in advance. The funeral home and the funeral director appointed will take you through various aspects of planning your memorial service, like choosing the location, selecting the pallbearers, the number of people you want to have invited, any specific songs or readings you would like at the service, and so on. These may seem like trivial aspects now, but it will make a world of difference for your loved ones. 

What Are The Benefits Of Pre-Planning A Funeral?

Understanding why it is essential and highly beneficial to plan your funeral in advance can give you more incentive to choose pre-planning at a funeral home. Here is a closer look at the top benefits of funeral pre-planning.

  • You can have your funeral conducted as per your wishes and preferences
  • It minimizes the stress for your friends and family in case of your demise
  • It helps you cut down the costs associated with inflationary price rise
  • It shows your family that you care about their mental well-being
  • It allows your loved ones to be free of any last-minute funeral planning responsibilities 

Plan Ahead To Keep Your Loved Ones Stress Free

Funeral pre-planning may seem quite challenging until you take the first step and make the first decision. Then, things will fall into place and you can make one big decision after the next, till you have all the key aspects of your funeral sketched out. 

One such key detail is choosing the kind of casket you want for your funeral. Titan Casket can help you here. Check out the website of this online casket retailer and pre-plan your casket today. The best part is that you can beat inflation by locking in today’s prices too.

Casket Pre Planning Made Easy

We'll help you purchase your pre-plan. You'll lock in today's price, ensure that your wishes are respected, and remove this financial responsibility from your family.