Your Guide to Funeral Planning | 11.29.2022

Building Your Own Casket – All You Need To Know

Building Your Own Casket – All You Need To Know

Reviewed By: William Prout

Cross Checked By: Elizabeth Siegel

4 min read

Can I Really Build My Own Casket?

If you are considering the possibility of building your own casket, believe it or not, this can actually be executed. If you are planning on building your own casket, all you have to do is to ensure that the casket meets all the requirements laid down by the local law. By law, funeral homes are mandated to accept DIY caskets as well, as long as they meet all legal specifications. When looking to save money, people often prefer to build their own caskets. 

Items Required To Build A Casket

If you are planning to build a custom casket, you will need to have the following items:

  • Fully-Equipped Toolkit: If you plan on building your own casket, you must have all the necessary tools – including a drill, hammers, screws, saws, sanders, hinges, nails, and so on.
  • Requisite Materials: The primary material required to build a DIY casket is wood. If in case you are looking to build a metal casket, then arrangements must be made for the specific metal you wish to use.
  • Adequate Space: As is the case with building anything from scratch, you require sufficient space to build your own casket. This must include adequate space for a working table, electrical outlets, and adequate ventilation.
  • Appropriate Safety Equipment: When building your own casket, you must ensure to use gloves, steel-toed boots, safety glasses, and durable clothing to avoid hurting yourself.

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Where Can I Find Plans To Build My Own Casket?

If you are looking for plans to build your own casket, there is a wide range available – both free and paid.


  • A great place to start is to look at Pinterest – wherein you will find a lot of ideas on the boards as well as the posts.
  • Another great place to find ideas is the Piedmont Pine Coffins website – from where you can download ideas for DIY plywood caskets
  • You can also check the Wayne of the Woods website – wherein you may not find ideas for an actual DIY casket but will instead get a ton of ideas for a casket prop. Once you build this, you can then decide if you wish to actually graduate to build a DIY casket.


  • One of the most popular paid websites for casket ideas is At a starting subscription plan of $39.95, you can access a  wide range of DIY casket plans.
  • You can also refer to websites such as Etsy, which offers custom casket ideas at a marginal cost.

Where Can I Buy My ‘Build Your Own Casket’ Kit?

If you are looking to purchase a ‘Build Your Own Casket’ kit, you can do so via:

  • Amazon: If you browse through Amazon, you will find a multitude of options from which you can make your choice. However, ensure that you adequately research the kit before purchasing, as a lower price does not necessarily translate to superior quality.
  • Etsy: In addition to offering casket plans, Etsy also offers you a wide range of casket kits. However, a word of caution – some of the kits advertised on the Etsy website are specifically for pets or merely just decorative pieces. So make sure you check the product before making the purchase.
  • Casket Suppliers: Most casket suppliers, who operate online, also offer you the choice of opting for build-your-own-casket kits. 

Factors To Consider When Building Your Own Casket

Before you start building your own casket, factor in the following:

  • Budget: Before you set out to build your own casket, you must set a budget. Once you go through all the tutorial videos, estimate how much the materials, as well as the necessary tools, will cost you. 
  • Create a Workspace: A very important factor to consider is whether or not you have enough space to build your own casket. If, for some reason, you feel building a casket in your home will be tough owing to the lack of space, you may consider renting a small studio. Additionally, also ensure that your workspace is obstacle free and has enough room to move about with ease.
  • Create a Schedule: In order to ensure that the finished product is up to the standard, you set when starting the project, create a schedule, and ensure that you stick to it. Make sure the schedule is realistic and achievable. 

And if you decide not to build the casket yourself, there are plenty of options available with Titan Casket including wood, steel, wool, cloth covered, cardboard and clear caskets.

Plan Your Farewell with Grace – Our Pre-Planned Caskets Offer Peace of Mind