Your Guide to Funeral Planning | 09.16.2022

Can You Rent a Casket?

Can You Rent a Casket?

Reviewed By: Scott Ginsberg

Cross Checked By: William Prout

3 min read


Can You Rent a Casket?

Planning a funeral is a difficult task and it is made even harder by the numerous expenses that come along with it. A casket is probably one of the more significant costs you will have to bear and you might be seeking an affordable alternative. If you are wondering whether renting a casket is a possibility, the short answer is yes. Many funeral homes offer an option of casket rentals. 

Plan Your Farewell with Grace – Our Pre-Planned Caskets Offer Peace of Mind

How Renting a Casket Works?

How this works is that you only pay for the interior part of the casket which is removable. The body of the deceased is placed in the removable interior which is then lowered into the exterior of the casket. The body does not touch the exterior and this ensures that the process remains safe and sanitary. This casket exterior is constantly reused by others who have also opted to rent a casket instead of buying one.

Why Do People Rent Caskets?

Many people choose to rent caskets if they are planning a cremation since they might not have any utility for a brand new casket after the ceremony. In such situations, the body is usually placed in a removable interior and then kept in the rented casket if the bereaved wish to have a viewing at the funeral. 

Another reason you might prefer to rent a casket is if sustainability is a cause close to your heart since the same casket exterior is reused many times. Lastly, a lot of people choose to rent a casket if there is a time crunch. If you need to arrange a funeral with viewing on short notice, you might find a casket rental to be the most feasible option.

That being said, it is completely natural to feel sentimental about the funeral and to wish for the best and most meaningful send-off for your loved one. This is a common reason why people often buy caskets even when on a budget. Fortunately, here at Titan Casket, we offer free and fast shipping of your preferred casket to your funeral home at the same price as renting a casket.

Our Best Selling Caskets

Should You Buy or Rent a Casket?

If difficult circumstances are forcing you to pinch pennies, then you can rent a casket from your funeral home and rest assured that the process is completely safe. However, if you wish for a completely unused casket for sentimental reasons, especially in the case of burials, you should know that you can buy a casket of your choice online for a similar price as renting.

At Titan Casket, we offer fully customizable caskets so that you can get one that feels just right. There are several models available across a broad budget range that you can browse on our website, and you can choose to add detailing for a more bespoke casket. We also have eco-friendly options such as a cardboard casket called the Titan Virtue. This is a great option if you are environmentally friendly, especially when it comes at a price of just $499, cheaper than most rental options.