Your Guide to Funeral Planning | 08.10.2023

Ensuring Privacy During Funeral Arrangements - Pre-Plan Your Funeral

Ensuring Privacy During Funeral Arrangements - Pre-Plan Your Funeral


Cross Checked By: SCOTT GINSBERG

The Need for Privacy at Funerals

Funerals are a deeply personal time for everyone. It is a time to gather, mourn, and pay their last respects to a loved one. Privacy at funerals helps your loved ones to preserve intimate moments and also creates a safe place for them to grieve and find solace. But modern-day funeral arrangements require your loved ones to contact various service providers, and actively partake in making key decisions with regards to funeral arrangements. This can intrude on their privacy at such an emotional and sensitive time. You can avoid this from happening by pre-planning your own funeral.

How to Ensure Privacy During Funerals

Privacy during funerals can help your family deal with grief and begin their healing journey thereafter. Here is how funeral pre-planning allows you to create a safe space for your family and friends.

  1. Make decisions beforehand - When you plan your own funeral, you have the liberty to make all the decisions regarding the funeral. From the choice of burial home to the type of casket you want for your funeral, you can browse through all the available options and finalize your decisions. You will be allowed to document your decisions so that your loved ones can be intimated about them when the right time comes. This prevents your family members from having to talk to various service providers and make decisions while they are mourning.
  2. Pay for everything - By pre-planning your funeral, you can pay for everything in advance. With funerals getting costlier with rising inflation rates, your family members might have to make special arrangements to meet the funeral costs. You can save your family from the financial burdens of a funeral by pre-planning your funeral. You can buy everything at the present price and also pay for them out of your own pocket. Thus, your family and friends can attend the funeral in peace and begin their healing journey without worrying about the financial aspect. 
  3. Maintain confidentiality - While pre-planning your funeral, you can sign agreements to keep your wishes secret with the service providers. You can also sign non-disclosure agreements that will ensure that your wishes are honored in private.
  4. No hassles of funeral insurance - Sometimes, people also sign up for funeral insurance to cover funeral costs. Funeral insurances offer a lump sum amount to pay for funeral costs after the death of the policyholder. But they involve proper inspection by agents and a lot of paperwork, which becomes difficult for families to deal with. All of these can be avoided with funeral pre-planning, where none of this takes place. With funeral pre-planning, everything is paid for beforehand and third parties directly provide for the services as instructed.
  5. Instructions are already given - During funeral pre-planning, all the instructions are made clear to the service providers. Because of this, you can give your loved ones the gift of time. They do not have to instruct the service providers and can instead take this time to process the grief surrounding your passing away.

Funeral Pre-Planning

Funeral pre-planning can be a great way to care for your loved ones from beyond the grave. You can ensure that they get the time and privacy required to process a traumatic incident such as the passing of a loved one. By ensuring privacy, you also give them a safe space to be vulnerable and bond with other friends and family members. Ultimately, this can be the first step towards healing and closure.

Funeral pre-planning can begin online. Titan Casket allows you to pre-plan a casket of your choice, with the design and customizations of your choice. You can pre-order the casket by either paying the entire amount in one go or by paying for it in easy installments. We will send you a pre-need agreement that must be e-signed for the order to be confirmed. Your wishes will be safe with us and the casket will be shipped to your family whenever the time comes.