Your Guide to Funeral Planning | 01.07.2023

How To Sell A Cemetery Plot?

How To Sell A Cemetery Plot?

Reviewed By: William Prout

Cross Checked By: Joshua Siegel

4 min read

Reasons Why You May Want To Sell Your Cemetery Plot

Most people in the US often purchase a cemetery plot well in advance, but somewhere down the line, this may not prove to be the ideal selection, for multiple reasons. After having gone through the trouble of researching and purchasing a cemetery plot, selling the same may be the last thing on your mind. However, given the uncertainty that life holds, you may decide to do so for various reasons, some of which are listed below:

  • If your family decides to move from the area where the cemetery is located
  • If a couple who has purchased cemetery plots together separates
  • Ups and downs in your financial status
  • If you wish to choose a different cemetery plot
  • In the case of army veterans, they may choose the national military cemetery to get buried in
  • If in case the cemetery plot was a gift or inheritance
  • If you wish to have your mortal remains scattered
  • If you want to donate your body to science

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Is It Possible To Sell A Cemetery Plot?

Yes, selling a cemetery plot is possible, and this applies even to crypts and even wall spaces in outdoor tombs and mausoleums. In many cases, you may even stand to profit from selling a cemetery plot, which may, however, come with a waiting period of as much as 15 months.

Who Would Be Interested In Purchasing A Cemetery Plot?

When it comes to finding buyers for a cemetery plot, there are two primary types of buyers – those who wish to do so to plan for the future, and those in immediate need of one. The latter will obviously require the same urgently, and if you have all sale-related details in place, this will help speed up the process. 

Those looking to purchase a cemetery plot for future use have more time on their hands and will utilize it to research all their options before making a purchase. Most prefer to purchase a cemetery plot from a private party than from a cemetery, as this proves to be a cheaper bet. When you wish to put your cemetery plot up for sale, you can either sell it back to the cemetery in question, sell it off to another interested buyer, or use a burial site broker.

When it comes to purchasing a cemetery plot, people often look at details such as the location of the cemetery, ornamental and natural features (such as fountains and trees), and access to a water source (to clean the gravestone).

How To Sell A Cemetery Plot?

If you are wondering how to sell a cemetery plot, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Discuss It With Your Family: If the cemetery plot you wish to sell is a part of a family plot, you may want to discuss the matter with family members so that there isn’t any opposition. The same holds true for those who have purchased cemetery plots with their spouses. All parties involved should agree to the sale to ensure no ill will is harbored.
  • Check Your State’s Cemetery Regulations and Licensing Laws: Before you proceed with selling a cemetery plot, make sure to check the laws of the state in which you reside. You must do so, to avoid paying a fine for breaking any rules pertaining to the same.
  • Check Your Contract Properly: At the time of your purchase of the cemetery plot, the cemetery would have clearly listed out all details pertaining to the same, which will come in handy when you decide to sell your plot. The more information you have about the same, the better.
  • Ensure All Necessary Paperwork is Ready: When you purchase a cemetery plot, it is accompanied by the necessary paperwork, including the deed of sale. Likewise, when selling the plot to another party, you will need the necessary paperwork, such as the transfer of ownership and the statement of sale.
  • Contact the Cemetery, if You are Selling it Back to Them: Most people prefer selling the cemetery plot back to the cemetery from which they made the purchase, as the said cemetery will have all the necessary paperwork and documents regarding the same. However, before selling the same, make sure you check the current market value of the plot.
  • If Selling the Plot on Your Own: Before doing so, make sure your cemetery allows the sale of plots to private parties. This holds true, especially in the case of cemeteries owned by religious organizations. 
  • Selling a cemetery plot is now common in the US. However, before doing so, make sure you conduct adequate research to strike the best possible deal.

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