Your Guide to Funeral Planning | 06.08.2023

Maximizing Flexibility In Funeral Preplanning

Maximizing Flexibility In Funeral Preplanning

Reviewed By: Scott Ginsberg

Cross Checked By: William Prout

If you have been worrying about your loved ones having to navigate the end-of-life arrangements that need to take place after you have passed, you should know that you can preplan your funeral. Funeral preplanning entails making decisions, both big and small, about the kind of funeral you would like to have when you have passed. Although it might be emotionally challenging to deliberate over these matters, it will be worth the peace of knowing that the critical decisions have largely been taken care of and, ideally, documented.

However, you might be wondering how your funeral planning will get affected if, for example, you move locations after planning your funeral or if there is an unexpected change in your family’s financial situation. In this article, we will highlight how funeral preplanning can allow flexibility for unforeseen changes in the life of you or your loved ones.

Flexible Funeral Planning

It may sound ironic, but ironing out the details of your funeral as early as possible can be the best way to leave room for some flexibility in case there is a change in your circumstances. The fact of the matter is that life is unpredictable, and there is no way to ensure that the events under which you pre-plan your funeral remain the same. That being said, if you opt for certain decisions in your funeral planning, you can prevent your loved ones from having to worry about altering your funeral plans due to unexpected changes in their circumstances.

Financial Preplanning For Funeral Costs

For example, if you financially preplan your funeral well in advance, then your loved ones will be immune to any financial distress that may come up and will be well-placed about your funeral costs at least. Budgeting the predicted expenses for your funeral and setting aside an amount to take care of it, either through funeral insurance or otherwise, is an effective way to safeguard the financial situation of your family when it comes to dealing with your funeral costs. No matter what changes they might have had to deal with in their financial circumstances, they can rest assured that they do not have to take any extra steps to cover their funeral costs.

Funeral Preplanning For A Change In Location

Another element where most people worry about having flexibility in their funeral plans is the location of the funeral. It is absolutely possible that while you completed your funeral preplanning keeping one place in mind, a shift in circumstances leads to your funeral actually being held in another city or state. 

To account for this possibility, you can do your research and opt for services that will help your loved ones with funeral arrangements, regardless of any location change. There are some funeral product or service providers who offer the option to pre-plan certain parts of the funeral arrangements so that you do not need to do any extra work if, for example, you and your family move states.

Pre-Plan A Casket

At Titan Casket, you can choose to preplan a casket by opting for our pre-plan option and receiving a preneed contract for the casket of your choice. The benefit of this option is that you do not need to worry about any possible change in circumstances for your loved ones. All they need to do is call us, and we will ship the casket to any location within the US the next day. Additionally, when you lock in a casket at today’s price, your family or friends will be immune to any future changes in the cost of the casket.